Delivering difficult messages to customers can be challenging at the best of times, whether it’s external or internal customers or other stakeholders.
Learning objectives
- Understand why people behave the way they do
- Assess and deal with your own emotional triggers
- Discover your own conflict handling style(s)
- Say ‘No’ assertively whilst showing respect
- Develop personal resilience
Expert trainer
Scott focuses on helping people to understand people. People make purchases, people sell to people. Even internet selling platforms are designed by people. People want to be happy when they make their purchase. Scott applies positive psychology techniques to his training and encourages participants to build on their core strengths and attributes.
Session outline
1. Identify situations / behaviour you find most challenging
- Work with colleagues to discuss specific examples
- The role played by emotion
2. Developing our emotional intelligence
- Self-awareness
- Self-management
- Social awareness
- Relationship management
3. Handling conflict situations
- Understanding different personality styles
- Taking the H.E.A.T. out of the situation
- Dealing with conflict
- Planning our conversation
4. Developing personal resilience
- Locus of control
- The ABCD model of mindfulness
- Supporting each other
5. Actions and next steps
- Personal action planning
- Next steps