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  • The Customer Service Training Company

    Coaching for GREAT
    customer service

A unique one-day programme – ‘virtual’ or ‘classroom’

Organisations delivering best-in-class for customer service have one thing in common – they’ve left ‘structured’ coaching behind and have adopted an ‘integrated’ coaching approach instead.
Rather than finding an hour a week to review or observe customer interactions and give feedback (which can be seen as corrective, disconnected and ‘processy’), they weave coaching into their daily conversations with their people. Instead of coaching being ‘another thing managers have to do’, it’s become a mindset and a way of ‘being’ as a manager.

Coaching for GREAT customer service
What’s it all about?

Research by Harvard Business Review shows that the most effective managers spend 75% of their coaching time ‘in the moment’ with their people and that this leads to double-digit improvement in team performance. Would that make a difference to your levels of customer service?

How will it help?

This programme gives managers strategies to transition to an integrated coaching approach so that they can coach GREAT customer experience alongside their day-to-day role.

Supported by the GREAT Coaching Toolkit, your managers will be able to:

  • Role-model GREAT Customer Service skills in their interactions with their people
  • Recognise the importance of coaching in embedding skills and changing behaviour to ensure GREAT customer service
  • Learn easy-to-apply integrated coaching and feedback strategies that make an immediate difference to performance
  • Build a coaching approach that will help develop skills effectively across their team
Who should attend?

Anyone who manages a customer-facing team. The programme can be tailored to the level of your managers’ experience of coaching.

What happens in it?

This is a very practical, interactive session. The style is very facilitative – structured explanations when needed, otherwise very conversational, with a heap of activities. As a participant, you’re never more than 15 minutes away from the next activity. You won’t be bored!

How’s it delivered?

Option 1 – Face-to-face. A practical, interactive one-day session for a maximum group size of 12. Participants will take part in lots of activities throughout the day which will give them a hands-on deep dive into what it means to coach the GREAT Customer Service skills and how they can apply their new integrated coaching approach in their roles immediately.

Option 2 – Virtual. If your people work remotely, you may prefer to have us deliver the programme as bite-sized facilitator-led webinars using Zoom, Teams or whatever your preferred platform is. The programme is chunked down into two half-day sessions. The approach is the same – interactive and practical, ensuring a personal and engaging learning experience for your people.

Whichever option you choose, ‘classroom’ or ‘virtual’, the approach is very facilitative and learner-centred, taking into account the needs and preferences of the group on the day whilst at the same time meeting the specified learning objectives.

The GREAT Coaching Toolkit

Your managers will receive the ‘GREAT Coaching Toolkit’ as part of their programme. A 32-page booklet, the toolkit is easy-to-use and provides highly practical coaching questions and activities aligned to each GREAT Customer Service skill so that your team leaders and line managers can give focused, awareness-creating, skills-building coaching to their teams. For each skill, there are separate practical coaching strategies to use ‘in the moment’, in a team meeting, or in a one-to-one.

What’s the next step?

Give us a call to talk it through. Decide what’s the best approach for your organisation. Agree a budget. Have a chat with the trainer. Discuss the practicalities. Pick a time, date and place. Sign on the dotted line (you’re not committed until then). And, if you’ve got any questions at any point, we’re here to help – you’ve got our number!

Session information

Session outline

This is the timetable for the full-day face-to-face version of the programme, with approximate timings for breaks. Virtual delivery follows the same content and sequence but with different timings and slightly different exercises.

Pre-work: Explore the 5 GREAT Customer Service skills and bring to the workshop: examples of the skills being done well within your team, and examples of where the skills are not done so well and there are opportunities for development.

1. Introduction and scene-setting (9.30)

2. The GREAT skills (10.00)

BREAK (11:00)

3. Role modelling (11.15)

LUNCH (12:15)

4. How to give GREAT feedback (1:00)

5. How to coach the GREAT skills (2.00)

BREAK (3.00)

6. Practice, practice, practice (3.15)

7. Your action plan (4.10)

CLOSE (4.30)

Training Areas...

Leadership & management development

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt

Management & personal effectiveness

In voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat.

Customer Service Training

Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo.

Boardroom effectiveness

cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Maximum Coaching

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque.

Specialist Subjects

quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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