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t. 01582 463464
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  • The Customer Service Training Company

    GREAT customer service

    We take an emotionally intelligent approach to customer service.

GREAT customer service

A unique one- or half-day programme

Virtual or classroom

In our digital, ‘results now’, ‘always on’ and ‘click here’ world, it’s easy to lose the emotionally connected experience that customers want. Studies show that 70% of customers spend twice as much with organisations they have an emotional connection with, so we lose that connection at our peril.

And that’s our starting point with the GREAT customer service programme. It gives a structure for an emotionally connected, loyalty-inspiring, trust-building customer conversation.

This programme inspires behavioural change. It will help your people acquire and develop the skills they need.
Learning objectives
Workshop information

Who should attend?

This programme is appropriate to everyone within your organisation, at whatever level – and the flexible structure means that we can easily tailor it to different levels, different functions, different sectors, different types of customer interaction (eg, telephone, face-to-face, email, etc).

What happens in it?

This is a very practical, interactive session – structured explanations when needed, otherwise very conversational, with a heap of activities and video clips. As a participant, you’re never more than 15 minutes away from the next activity. 

How’s it delivered?

Option 1 – Face-to-face. A one-day session for a group of up to 12. 

Option 2 – Virtual. The virtual option is just as interactive. Again, for a group of up to 12. 

Is there any pre-work?

Whether ‘classroom’ or ‘virtual’, participants will get the most from the programme if they complete a short personality styles questionnaire first. One exercise, in particular, depends on it.

Is there any follow-up?

We’ll give you our ‘GREAT coaching toolkit’ – a 32-page booklet for your team leaders and line managers, full of practical coaching strategies they can use in the moment, in a team meeting, or in a one-to-one.

What’s the next step?

Give us a call to talk it through. Decide what’s the best approach for your organisation. Agree a budget. Have a chat with the trainer. Discuss the practicalities. Pick a time, date and place. Sign on the dotted line (you’re not committed until then).

Is there anything else I need to know?

Not really. But give us a call if you’ve got any questions – we’re here to help!


Yes, we can tie the session in to your values or customer service charter.


Yes, a ‘tailored’ option is possible and we can ‘flex’ the programme a little, if you want to emphasise a particular theme. Although we’d prefer to flex it rather than break it, so give us a call to talk through the options.


Yes, certificates of attendance can be provided.


Yes, there are optional modules if you want to focus on a specific issue, eg, complaint handling, resilience, telephone skills, email customer service, etc.


Yes, there are other options for supervisors, team leaders and line managers. In particular, you might want us to give them a quick overview of the GREAT model, talk them through the toolkit and help brush up their coaching skills so they’re confident using the activities.


If you don’t mind a longer day, then start at 9.00 instead, finish at 5.00 and we’ve got time to add an hour’s ‘end-to-end’ practice session at the end of the afternoon, before the action planning. This activity can be run as ‘forum theatre’ or in trios. It’s a role-playing session, practising a common customer interaction using the GREAT Customer Service skills. A great way of reinforcing the learning!

Workshop outline

The timetable below is for the full-day face-to-face version of the programme, with approximate timings for breaks. Virtual delivery follows the same content and sequence but with different timings and slightly different exercises.

Pre-work: complete the Personality Styles profile

1. Welcome to GREAT customer service (9.30)

2. G is for Greet (10.10)

BREAK (10.55)

3. R is for Recognise needs (11.05)

LUNCH (12:30)

4. E is for Empathise (1.00)

5. A is for Act (2.00)

BREAK (3.00)

6. T is for Thank (3.10)

7. GREAT ways of handling complaints and difficult situations

8. Your action plan

CLOSE (4.30)

CLient Testimonials
Training Areas...

Leadership & management development

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt

Management & personal effectiveness

In voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat.

Customer Service Training

Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo.

Boardroom effectiveness

cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Maximum Coaching

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque.

Specialist Subjects

quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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