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True Empathy

Customer Service Training

In today’s competitive market, it’s a myth that you should ‘treat customers how you would want to be treated.’ This traditional approach to customer service is outdated and ineffective. Why? Because everyone is different, a one-size-fits-all strategy fails to recognise each individual’s unique needs and preferences.

Empathy vs. true empathy

Recent research in the field of empathy and customer service not only underscores the importance of personalised interactions but also highlights the significant benefits. Studies have shown that customers are more likely to remain loyal to businesses that make them feel understood and valued. This is where true empathy comes into play, offering a promising path to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of responding to every customer in the same manner. However, this approach does not indicate GREAT customer service; rather, it’s a sign of operating on auto-pilot. When we ‘solutionise’ based on a superficial understanding of the customer, we miss the opportunity to create a meaningful connection, a connection that is the cornerstone of exceptional customer service and the key to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Practising true empathy

True empathy involves recognising how your customers are different from you and responding in a way that is right for them. This deeper level of understanding and personalised response is what sets exceptional customer service apart. According to a 2023 survey by Which?, 82% of respondents were happy with how seriously their service provider took their issue, highlighting the significant impact of empathy on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Implementing this small change in how you approach interactions with customers can dramatically impact the quality of your service. By emotionally connecting with your customers, you enhance their experience and build a lasting rapport. This connection is crucial, as people tend to gravitate towards those they feel are like them.

Incorporating genuine empathy into your customer service strategy means actively listening to your customers, understanding their emotions and perspectives, and tailoring your responses to meet their needs. This approach improves customer satisfaction and fosters loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.


In conclusion, moving away from the myth of treating customers as you would like to be treated and embracing genuine empathy can transform your customer service. By acknowledging and responding to each customer’s unique needs, you create a more personalized and impactful service experience. This enhances customer satisfaction and builds a stronger, more loyal customer base.

give us a call

This learning tip comes from our ‘GREAT customer service’ programme. Check it out here. If you’d like to explore this topic or any other aspect of customer service training then please do give us a call on 01582 463464. We’re always here to help.


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